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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  July 8, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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multiple dallas police gunned down. michael johnson is the suspect. i am jon scott. >> and i am heather childers in for jenna lee. it is the deadly day for u.s. law enforcement since 9/11. snipers opening fire on a otherwise peaceful protest in downtown dallas. bullets sent people running from
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their lives. [gunfire] >> there was like hundreds of people running in opposite direction of the cop cars. >> it was really bad. >> we have open window. 801 lamer. all lanes are closed. >> suspect fired in the omni. >> we have a female shot in the omni. reports of shots fired in the omni. >> i believe i speak for every single american when i say we are horrified over these events and that we stand united with
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the people and the police department in dallas. >> get back, get back. >> we don't feel much support most days. let's not make today most days. please, we need your support to be able to protect you from men like these. >> investigators say the suspect 25-year-old micah johnson told negotiators he was angry about police shootings and wanted to kill white officers. he was killed in a stand off with police. three other suspects are in custody. just a short time ago, loretta lynch responding to the loss of five police officer.
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>> we feel the loss of rapid transit hov thompson and other four officers whose names we are are waiting to notify all families. thompson was a marine veteran and 43 years old and right now, a vigil underway for the victims of the massacre. we'll talk about this with with danny colson, deputy fbi assistant director and fbi hostage rescue team. danny, you've seen plenty of horrific incidents like this one in your time, but how would you assess the way police responded to the events in dallas? >> oh, my gosh, you can't give enough credit to rapid transit and dallas pd. i have done tactical prayings with the swat team. we should be very, very proud of
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what they d. they sufissered a withering ambush and devastating and in spite of the loss of five comraids, they went after the suspect. they didn't run away. our guys fought and went after this guy and resolved it and we can take great credit for what they did. you have to give the sympathy to the law enforcement. they feel belyingered and baltimore indictmentes of innocent people and ferguson unwanted charges against the police officer who was later exonerated. we need to support these guyses. they are our only line of defense and we don't do nearly enough. as a texan and american, i am proud of the dallas police officers and they give us all inspiration. >> you heard chief brown that
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the officers go out on the force and they don't feel community support is. he said let's not let today be one of those days. >> that is a meaningful statement and an icon for us all to remember. the chief did a great, great job and the mayor did, too. they put their lives on the line. my son is a police officer and it hit me hard when i woke up and heard the news. we have to support is these guys f. we don't we'll bean anarchy. after the indictment violent crime went up. we need a camera on every police officer. we should be proud of them. my goshgs how proud should we be of our officers.
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>> so much seemed to be fuelled by the events in baton rouge and minneapolis when black men were killed by police officers. it is not clear what happened and who is responsible. but how do you, to people who may want revenge on police officers as a result of what happened in the two cities. what do you say to them? >> that is a great question. let the criminal justice system work. bad things happen. and i don't know what happened to the officers in louisiana and minneapolis. but let it play out. don't jump the gun and start killing people because you are not happy with what happened. no one is happy with what happened but we don't know the details and let the criminal justice play out. if we were a racist country we
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would not investigate them. we do bring the full force of the criminal justice system on these guys and n if they are get we prosecute. >> we have a black president and attorney general. highest law enforcement officers in the land. what do you say to them about what they should say to the american people right now. >> find out the facts. they say the officer acted stupidly. and he didn't. and it is completely appropriately. what you say has great weight.
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it is a racist country. let it play out. i thought chief browns was exceptional. >> the suspect said he was upset at white people. the suspects stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers. they are talking about the chilling message. we believe that is a picture of that suspect.
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he was angry about the killing of white men. johnson was a member of the u.s. army reserve who served a tour in afghanistan for eight months. and joining me now is the former assist issant in new york and thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> newest information. is it surprising to hear about his back grouvenltd and he put himself in combative positions and killing innocent men in blue with beiges on.
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you can understand how he got that training. and i want to pick up on something. danny colson and what he had to say. we need to be so careful, particularly the leaders of our country before p we make statements. the people out there with the cameras, wanting to do something evil are are just waiting for one of our officials in the united states to make a statement to legitimize their evil actions. it is a horrible set of circumstances. as danny said when they are negative and done the wrong thing, they can and will and should be prosecuted. >> what you say has great weight.
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and that people should remember that. and so when we hear our legislatures coming out like they did with the two shootings that happened in the past week, are they speaking out of turn when we don't know the outcome of the investigation? >> it is so careless to do something like that and speak out of turn. they need to wait. i know they have seen the fims. i know the videos one picture is worth a 10000 words. i understand maybe they need te the facts deeper and talk to people, and get the investigation. it is not going to take a long time. give it 24 hours or so before you make these kinds of incendiary statements that gets everybody all riled up. and people do get exciteded heather. they had a peaceful protest in dallas. the police helped them with a peaceful protest and then the
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folks that did this thing, and responsible for killing five innocent people, took advantage of that peaceful protest. >> we are are looking at the aftermath as people start running from their lives and not knowing what is going on. and officers ran directly in the line of fire to protect all of those people. we heard the police chief speaking about the lack of support. tell us a little bit more about that and what needs to be done. it is not only support from people and how they feel about police, but the equipment and money that is given to law enforcement across the country. >> absolutely heather, as we saw in the last six months. big to do, let's take away the body armor. you might insight the people to riot. and take away the heavy equipment they got from the
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military to defend our cities against anarchist. that is lack of support for the police departments. and it is going to have a horrible effect. and i think in terms of support, we have to remember the fellows and men and women on the front line who go and defend us and run in the line of fire. we tend to forget those folks in law enforcement and you heard the woman who was a dispatcher and the 911 operator, those are the people who are negatively impacted. because they know these people and they hurt and no one gets to them. and we need to broaden our outlook and scope. >> good points and all of the law enforcement in our hearts and prayers today. bill, thank you for the great
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insight. police chief david brown of dallas speaking now. let's listen. >> i just want to say that we're hurting and we need this community. we need citizen iseses to show us that they appreciate their sacrifice. [applause] i am going to have to say some short and brief comments and head back to police headquarters to continue our investigation. to give you an update on what is transpiring. through our investigation of some of the suspects, it is revealed to us that this was a well planned, well thought
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out, evil tragedy by these suspects. and we won't rest until we bring everyone involved to justice. [applause] i want to say thank you to our federal law enforcement partners. i want to say thank you to the state you law enforcement partners and our state political delegation and federal delegation and all of the offers of support and help that you've given. our officers are going to it need counseling for a very long time and hear from you more than just today that you appreciate their sacrifice. so i want to say what i experienced in the last 24 hours
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is heart felt from you all. we are determined to lock up this person that tries to steal this democracy from us. [applause] and to finish out the comments, i really want to say to the mayor and city manager and city council, thank you for the suspect. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. [applause] and to the citizens of dallas, this is my hometown. i am a third generation dallasite. big d. i want to say thank you to all of you for your show of support today. we feel this today.
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this is something that you've shown us that you really do care. and so thank you so sxch god speed. god speed p. thank you. [applause] thank you. thank you. [applause] >> on the the left of your screen that was police chief david brown, chief of the dallas police chief who did a heroic job. five officers dead and others in critical condition. this is in thanksgiving plaza in downtown dallas. a place designed to encourage universal human emotion and human characteristic of giving thanks and people of dallas are giving thanks to the police officers who have given their louves to protect them all --
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lives to protect them all. >> i could hear things. and they were getting around them. people were talk to the officers. that actually happen. and [inaudible] and then the police officer. they weren't harming anybody or anything and that's when i heard the gunshots. i saw everybody gather. >> we are learning more from the witnesses to the dallas attack. some of them finding themselves in real danger. the next guest was a photographer that took sheltener a building that she thought was safe, but it was not. ashley is a photographer for the dallas morning news and joins us on the phone. ashley, thank you for joining us
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and we are glad you are safe. >> thank you. >> ashley, why were you there to start with? and as the shooting unfolded, what did you hear and see? >> i was covering the protest with two other photographers and a couple of reporters that were out there with the dallas morning news. we were doing team coverage and we each had our own jobs and i was doing social media for our photography department. i was about middle of the pack. they were heading toward the east, back to where they started the protest and rally. i was middle of the pact and all of the sudden, i you saw hundreds of people running back toward me. my first thought was to not get trample and make sure i was documenting this and hello?
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>> first people run toward you. that's the first thing you experienced and then did you hear the gunshots with that? >> at that point. i walked and followed the police officer and i heard gunshots after that. i didn't hear the initial gunshots. >> you took shelter in what you thought was a safe place and that was a parking garage. what happened in there? >> it was a parking garage across the main street from el centro college where the shooter was located and i went up to the third floor. i could hear gunfire. i didn't know it was coming from up above. i went to the parking garage and went up to the third floor to get a safer view point.
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there was a lot of police inside already and half dozen people, protestors and pedestrians, i don't know if they were protesters or not but they were inside with me. and the police were keeping them sheltered in the corner against the wall. and then shortly after that. the swat officers came in and pushed us out. >> ashley, thank you so much. obviously a lot of breaking news. and we appreciate you joining us and we are glad you are safe, jon? >> continuing coverage of the cold- blooded killings in dallas. our legal panel how prosecutors will handle the legal on the deadly attack on police. >> this is a week of profound grief and heart breaking loss. the peaceful protest planned in dallas was organized in response
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to the tragic taepth deaths of alon sterling and louisiana and castillo in minneapolis. for cf of hard stools. for cf dulcolax, designed for dependable relief (climbing sounds) when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. ♪ (duracell slamtones) ♪ perhaps it is time we acquire a larger dwelling. but the mortgage process has proven to be challenging. not with rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it is the easiest and most logical way to secure financing for your living quarters online. you can securely share your financial information with the push of a button. it appears now is a sensible time to relocate. i am so happy. no need to get emotional. ♪
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because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. don't deal with disruptions. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. built for business. >> to our brothers and sisters who wear the badge i am deeply grateful for the difficult and dangerous work you do every day to keep our nation and page secure. our hearts are broken by the loss and the department of justice will do all we can to support you in the days ahead. and to those who seek to improve our country through peace pful protest and protected speech, your voice is important. do not be discouraged by p those who use your cover for heinous
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violence. >> she addressed her department's commitment to protecting the rights of police and the communities they protect. we'll talk to our guests. hard to know what transpired. several people were taken in to custody and there was media reports that there were one shooter and those other people were not involved, but in terms of the prosecution. is it a federal or texas case? >> it will be both. texas state authorities will prosecute this and texas is notorious for being strict with regard to imposing the death
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penalty. this is a capital case and involves special circumstances and it looks like police officerses were specifically targeted and possible white police officers were targeted. it would be a death penalty case for everybody involved whether they were the actual shooter or consphired to help. >> we don't know for sure if other people were involved in that point. it may have been the sole act of this one gunman. what do you have to say. on the day we mourned the police officers. her statement is about police shootings. >> i can't question her willingness to be inclusive. i wish she would say we are there to back you up and help you in any way we can.
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quite frankly the actions of the justice department have done anything but that. they send army of lawyers and because of a purceived ram pant problem it sends a terrible message. yes. i am not so naive to think that there are not racial issues in the country. but it doesn't need the sledgehammer of the justice department going in every police station to weed out a problem. >> people talk about the ferguson affect. try. that police officer fear they are doing their job and confronted with someone who is dangerous and they use a weapon. they are going to have the justice department coming down on them for defending themselves?
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>> that's true. john. she announced a civil rights investigation is opened in the death of sterling in louisiana. police departments are worried about p. that >> and an investigation is opened up in the texas shooting where it appears that people were targeted on the basis of race. it seems to me like the justice department only investigates racial crimes or a crime that has a racial component rather when it is against a nonwhite. >> i know you spent time working with the justice department and this is an investigation that said, the police have too much heavy weaponly and war vehicles and so part. we'll don't want them to have
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that stuff because p it makes them look too brutal i guess. and some of that surplus is taken away from police officers. >> i worked for the justice department and proudest day of my life was when i sworn on the bible it uphold the institution of the united states. i agree with the administration. some of the military vehicles that are used by the police departments is unserving. i am sure they don't have any ill thoughts or plans. i think it is a debate and stuff in the country, words matter. and people love to talk about all of the information is making them feel undocumented and
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endangered. it is undermining the authority and making it more dangerous. >> i watched the footage of the louisiana shooting and i see it is troubling. and minnesota it is it troubling and unfortunately every time people die. but i have news for you. and the violence is not the solution. >> they have to be handled by local law enforcement and juries perhaps in the fut iffure. >> thank you both. >> thanks for having me. >> we have much more on the texas mass secure of five brave officers and shepert smith reporting live in dallas for thee hours of special coverage. and more reaction to the the horror in dallas. and coming in from the campaign trial. shifting their schedules and
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offering condolences to the victim's families and new reaction from law makers on capitol hill. and the most disturbing aspects of the attack and how it is changing the way police operate. , every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. youthat's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you.
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south americas people in dallas convening now in thanksgiving blaze a. this is their mayor
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rawlings. >> we must start if we face those challenges with an attitude change. an attitude of humility and gratitude that this square was built on. we are thankful for life. others lost them last night. we are thankful for our families. other families lost that last night. we are thankful for our city, yes, and we are thankful for each other. that is why we are here today, just hours after this act of evil. we are here elected officials and leaders to honor five police officers who have lost their lives. to pray for them and their fellow officers that are still alive and working for us.
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we are here to face our challenges head-on as the pastor said and we will not shy away from the very real facts that we as a city and a state and nation are struggling with racial issues. they continue to divide us. yes, it is that word race, and we have to attack it head-on on. i will tell you, this is on my generation of leaders. it is on our watch that we have allowed this to continue to fester and that we have led the next generation down a path of action to pit one against the other. [applause] so i am with you. we have to change.
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and i believe in dealing with this issue, we must step up our game and approach complicated issues in a different way. and race is complicated. as fscott fits gerald. the test of first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing in the idea in mind the same time and retain the ability to function. i think we can do that. [applause] the question is, can we as citizens speak against the actions of a relatively few officers who blemish the reputation of their high calling and at the same time support and defend the 99 percent of the officers who do their job professionally and honestly and
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greatly. [applause] this is the men and women that were shot last night. i think we can and i think we must. can we as a community truly and deeply understand the pain that racial discrimination and the greatest sin in america, slavery has created through history and can we understand that? yes, accept god's grace of forgiveness and put yesterday's battleses aside and build a city and country that dr. king dreamed of. can we do that? [applause] can we do it by being honest about today's short comings and building a society that truly
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gives all citizens who we love the opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? i think we can. [applause] today in the prayer service, so i get to quote st. paul. in the end. thr three things remain. faith, hope and love. yes, we need all three today. [applause] we must have faith in each other. in our institutions. we must have hope and belief that tomorrow will be better. and it will. and we must love one another
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because if we don't, this separatism will kill this body. [applause] but i choose the word and i believe this city will be better and see better days because of the lives that were lost last night. god bless dallas. god bless. [applause] >> that is the mayor of a city that is struggling to it make sense of the horrific events of last night.  that is mike rawlings, mayor of dallas where five police officers were gunned down by at least one sniper who took up a post in a community college parking garage and opened fire on police as they were monitoring and protecting
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citizens who were taking part in a anti- police protest. we'll be back with more coverage in dallas in a moment. n tv now, i'm walking them. life is unpredictable being flake free isn't. because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of flakes keeping you protected live flake free for life
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protect our democracy. >> that's police chief david brown this morning, making a plea for support from the community after the horrors of last night's deadly ambush of police. another city that has seen a fair share of violence is baltimore. riots erupted in april after the death of freddie gray after jurisdiction he is -- injuries he sustained. the trial of the highest ranking officer there got underway. the new york police department ordered its officers not to go on patrol alone. other cities are following suit. retired as a major after serving 20 years as police officer in maryland, he was on the homeland security review committee and now a radio talk show host in
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washington d.c. garland, what are your first thoughts when you look at what happened in this dallas? >> number one, i recall my first meeting with the fib feb joint terrorism task force. there is no tactical solution for ambush style attacks in a urban setting. the idea of police riding together giveses a false sense of security. that was number one. number two is this. i did a lot of work after the freddie gray incident with the no boundaries coalition of west baltimore. there is an undercurrent of discussion with the gras roots activist that they were working for peaceful change. there's been a fear that this could happen when i first started working with the grassroots activist. we attacks on
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the police and they wanted to do everything they could to prevent that. and our leaders need to engage in discussions to discuss the issue that there is a potential for. because i don't think anybody wants this type of thing to happen. >> there is obviously fear on the part of the police. you were an officer for a couple of decayedecades. >> when this thing happens. i was a law enforcement officer and my best friend that i grow up with is still a police officer. i have this fear when this happens, that someone i know can be riding in their car and be shot or attacked. while i see it as a individual and police officer, there are
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broad dynamics and hopefully we'll address the broad issues. you can't stop an individual. the guy that ambushed the two officers in new york. brooklyn a while back, the guy had a history of violence and mental illness. and i bet when we look in this guy, we'll find this same type of history. there are always people in the community who are on the edge of committing violence and need a reason to snap and maybe we can lure the frustration and anger in the communities. you just can't stop individuals and it is a horrifying thing and as i said as a law enforcement officer it is frightening and upsetting to me. they are protecting us all. garland nixon thank you.
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>> what happened in dallas was clear cut. and not justify rampage against the police. and how the media covered matters of race and law enforcement and responding to last night's massacre.
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we had an adequate amount of officers at the scene. and we were blocking traffic and doing all the things to protect people's rights to protest and their free speech. we are not going to let a coward who would ambush police officers change our democracy. we're not going to do it. our city, our country, is better
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than that. >> the dallas police chief this morning with heroic words at an unspeakably difficult time, defending free speech is just one part of the narrative surrounding this tragic story. howard kurtz is a fox news media analyst and he joins us now with his take on how the media is covering this so far. it's early into this, howie, but what do you think? >> there have been some polarizing exceptions. the "new york post"'s cover says "civil war," some are tweeting, "punks, america is coming after you." by and large i think the media coverage has been sober, serious, restraightennerestrain. i think this was also the case in the shootings in louisiana and minnesota, less of the finger pointing and blame game that we usually see. >> you say the situation in
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dallas was fairly clear-cut. what do you mean by that? >> what i mean by that is we don't have a situation where protesters went out of control and started burning police cars or stores, and the usual narrative, are we letting thugs take over the city. this was a heinous and reprehensible murder, series of murders, by an angry black man who wanted to kill white police officers. i think that is so shocking but so relatively clear-cut that it has taken away some of the ideological arguments that often surround these things. >> howie, i'm told the incidents like the two shootings you referenced that have happened this past week, that the shooter himself attributed it to his anger and he decided to go and target white police officers specifically. does the media give too much coverage to incidents like that?
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i'm told they're called "bad shoots." >> in the age of cellphone video, it's become the kind of thing where it becomes a national story. if it's something that kind of shocks the conscience. in both of these cases, and we don't have all the video and we don't know all the facts, but it looks like two black men were killed who should still be alive, given the circumstances. so i don't think there's too much coverage. i also think there's too many inflammatory coverage. one of the reasons we're not seeing that now is on a human level, even in this era of mass shootings, these two that happened in dallas have left many, many journalists shocked and saddened. >> howard kurtz joining us. thank you, howie. we'll be right back. i'm terrible at golf.
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we have to commend police
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chief brown in dallas. five of his officers are dead, others are shot. he's doing a great job. >> they don't get enough support. let's not let this be one of those days. thank you for joining us. shepard smith reporting this afternoon from dallas. and good day. when reporters jet to scenes of carnage, we often get our first sense of the gravity of the tragedy from the faces of the people we come across at the airport, the convenience store, and the think piece in the local newspaper, the summation of emotions that's often placed below the fold of the newspaper of record, a city in mourning and shack. at dfw, hours ago, the terminal was unusually quiet, faces unsurprisingly long. at


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